Olga Rybalko, %22A Space Between%22, 24x18.jpg

A Space Between

A Space Between

24” x 18”, oil on canvas

This is a view of Mistaya Canyon with Mount Sarbach in the background. The canyon is just a short walk from Highway 93 down a treed path which then opens up and you can easily walk and hop along the rocks and take in the views of the rushing water and the distant mountains.  

Even when the river levels are low in the fall, which is when I visited the area, it’s impressive with how much force the river flows and rushes down the canyon. It rises out of Peyto Lake and later joins the North Saskatchewan River, but in this section, it has carved out swirling paths and potholes in the limestone rock and created a really interesting place to explore.

* For inquiries on this painting, please contact the Stephen Lowe Art Gallery.